Statistics: Italians and the web

Almost 39 million Italians are connected to the net. 51 percent in the 35-54 age group (which is the best target for buying a new vehicle). 71% connect from their home PC but already 47% habitually use a cell phone or smartphone. 12.1 percent connect with Tablets, which show 126 percent growth and are expected to increase.

  • 06 October 2014
  • News
Italian Trends And The Internet 900X665

Almost 39 million Italians are connected to the net. 51 percent in the 35-54 age group (which is the best target for buying a new vehicle).

71% connect from their home PC but already 47% routinely use a cell phone or smartphone.

12.1 percent connect with Tablets, which show 126 percent growth and are expected to increase.

The major browsing days are intra-week and the average time spent on the web is around 1h 17 minutes .

Little distinction between men and women with a slight prevalence of the latter.

In the Digital Marketing Strategies course, we go into detail about these numbers that continue to show unstoppable growth.

The future now seems to be moving in the direction of so-called Always Connected, or permanent online connection.


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